Press Release

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Korea to host the Special Session of UNEP Governing Council next year

During the 22nd UNEP Governing Council, Korea was selected as the host nation for the 8th Special Session of Governing Council meeting and the 5th Global Ministerial Environment Forum of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) next year.

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), established in 1972, works to encourage sustainable development through sound environmental practices all around the world, and deals with a wide range of environmental issues.

This will be the first of such meeting in Asia, and will bring about a golden opportunity for Korea to introduce its advanced environmental preservation measures and promote industrial and technological efforts all throughout the world.

Bush Administration Launches "Climate VISION"(Climate, Voluntary Innovative Sector Initiatives: Opportunities Now)

The U.S. Department of Energy, on behalf of the Administration, has launched the President's Climate VISION(Voluntary Innovative Sector Initiatives: Opportunities Now) - a voluntary, public-private partnership to pursue cost-effective initiatives that will reduce the projected growth in Americas greenhouse gas emissions. Climate VISION will be administered through the Department of Energy policy and international program.

Climate VISION is part of the global climate change strategy to work with energy partners and the participation of other industry sectors going forward. As part of this strategy, President Bush committed to reducing Americas greenhouse gas intensity - the ratio of emissions to economic output - by 18 percent during the next decade, and challenged American businesses and industries to undertake broader efforts to help meet that goal.