Press Release

Board View

Handbook of new environmental technologies published


For the first time, 30 experts from environmental industries, academic institutions, and Environment Management Corporation(EMC) combined their efforts to make a Handbook containing information on new environmental technologies. The Handbook, published jointly by the Ministry of Environment and Environment Management Corporation, lets the consumers to verify, assess, and recognize environment technologies newly developed or improved in Korea, for promoting distribution of excellent technologies and nurturing industries in environmental area.

The Handbook contains information on all fields of new environmental technologies, such as their characteristics and capabilities, range of application, design standards, and utilization. 51 new technologies are introduced in the Handbook, including 36 in the water quality area, 6 in the air quality, and 9 in the waste management.

The Handbook will contribute to expanding the range of selection, promoting the understanding of new environmental technologies, and facilitating the development and supply of the new innovative technology in the field of environment. It can be downloaded, free of charge, from the EMC website ( or the Environmental Technology website ( Detailed information can be obtained by calling 032-560-2185~8.